
Have you completed college and now dealing with crippling student loan debt? Are you looking for a fast and effective way to pay off your student loans? Contact us today or read below to learn more about how the Oregon National Guard can help you pay off up to $50,000 of federal student loans starting today!
The Army National Guard offers Student Loan Repayment Programs (SLRP) for enlisted Soldiers, Chaplains, and Health Care Professionals.
UP TO $50,000
The Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) is offered as an enlistment incentive for Non-Prior Service and Prior Service enlistees. It is also offered as a retention incentive to current Army National Guard soldiers. If you have incurred a student loan obligation or may plan to in the future, the Army National Guard can help you repay up to $50,000 of your student loan. Qualifying loans are described below.
Non-Prior Service
Score 50 or higher on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB).
Must contract into a valid critical skill vacancy for either a 6 year or an 8 year service period.
OCS Candidates must have 90+ semester credits and enlist for a minimum 6 year service period to be eligible.
Non-Prior Service applicants must be fully qualified in their duty position prior to payment.
Prior Service
Prior Service applicants must enlist DMOSQ in a valid critical skill vacancy for 6 years to be eligible.
Must be E-7 or below and have less than 16 years TIS at contract start date.
Must not previously received SLRP in his or her military career.
Must have received an Honorable discharge or release at the conclusion of all periods of military service.
OCS Candidates must have at least 90 semester credits to eligible for the SLRP.
General Eligibility Criteria
The applicant or Soldier must have one or more qualifying, disbursed loans in his/her own name at the time of enlistment/reenlistment/extension. However, applicants may select the SLRP incentive even though they have no outstanding loan(s) when signing the contractual agreement.
The maximum annual payment is 15 percent of the eligible principle(s) or $500.00, whichever is greater, plus the amount of any eligible interest that has accrued.
Payments are capped at $7500.00 annually.
Soldiers may add additional loans during their contractual agreement.
Enlisted Soldiers receiving SLRP will remain eligible while attending Officer Candidate School (OCS) or Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS) or after contracting into the ROTC/SMP programs.
Soldiers can also remain eligible upon commissioning or appointment, subject to the original restriction that their loan will be paid within the same period established in their original enlistment documents.
Qualifying Loans
Eligible federally backed disbursed loans IAW Title 10 USC Subsection 16301.
The loan(s) must be listed on the Department of Education National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Aid Summary website.
Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS Loan[s]) are eligible as long as the applicant is responsible for repayment of the loan.
State and private loans are not eligible for repayment under the SLRP program.
UP TO $80,000
The Army National Guard Chaplain Loan Repayment Program (CLRP) is offered for the purpose of maintaining adequate numbers of qualified chaplains within the National Guard. The maximum amount of the CLRP is limited to $80,000 ($20K for each 3-year period of obligation) and covers the loan’s principle, interest, and related expenses. The maximum annual payment made to eligible participants under the CLRP may not exceed $6,666 for each year of the incentive term.
Eligibility Criteria:
Currently hold, and be fully qualified for, an appointment as a Chaplain in the Army National Guard.
The Chaplain must agree to a minimum 3-year term of service.
Must possess outstanding educational loans secured on or after 1 October 1975, in accordance with USC Title 10, Section 16303. These loans must have been for education regarding a basic professional qualifying degree (post baccalaureate), or graduate educatioin resulting in a Masters of Divinity Degree or equivalent. All degrees must be obtained from an accredited theological seminary as listed in the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) handbook and/or an accredited institution listed within a National Faith-Related Accrediting Organization in the CHEA Recognized Organizations’ Directory.
Individuals enrolled in the Chaplain Candidate Program are NOT eligible to participate in the CLRP.
State and private loans are not eligible for repayment under the CLRP program.
Army Medical Department (AMEDD) officers in the Medical and Dental Corps can receive the Healthcare Professionals Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP) – up to $250,000 for certain specialties – by agreeing to a six-year service commitment with the Guard ($40,000 per year for 6 years plus $10,000 for 7th year, with a $250,000 lifetime cap).
Other specialties including Physicians Assistants, Nurse Practitioners and Social Workers may qualify for loan repayments up to $25,000 per year with a $60,000 or $75,000 lifetime cap depending on the specialty.
Federal loans, private loans, and educational loans may be eligible for the HPLRP.